
The <template> element has two uses, to define a template and inject a template inline into an existing RML documents.

When defining a template, <template> should be used in place of <rml>.


name = cdata (CI)
The name of the template. Must be unique. Is used by other RML documents to reference the template.
content = idref (CI)
The id of the element that the content will be put into.

When injecting a template, all elements inside the <template> tag will be placed inside the template’s content element.

src = cdata (CS)
For inline templates, the name of the template to inject.


The <body> element has a template attribute that is a shorthand for injecting a template around the body tag.


template = cdata (CS)
The name of the template to use. All child elements under the <body> element will be loaded into the template.


Start by defining a template file basic.rml:

<template name="basic" content="content">
	<link type="text/rcss" href="style.rcss"/>
<body class="window">
	<p id="content"></p>

Body template

The template can then be can be used as a body template in a document as follows.

		<title>Basic document</title>
		<link type="text/template" href="basic.rml" />
	<body template="basic">
		A paragraph.

The template is then injected with the document body contents inserted into the #content element defined in the template. The resulting document structure is as follows:

  h1         "Header"
  p#content  "A paragraph."

Inline template

The template can also be inserted inline into the document using the <template src="[name]"> element.

		<title>Basic document</title>
		<link type="text/template" href="basic.rml" />
		<img src="header.png"/>
		<div id="template_parent">
			<template src="basic">
				Another paragraph.

Which results in the following document structure:

    h1         "Header"
    p#content  "Another paragraph."

Note that the body class from the template is not inserted in this case. However, headers, including styles, are inserted as normal.