A form is a collection of input elements inside a <form> element - when the form is “submitted”, the information stored in the each child input element is sent through to the listening process.

See also the form controls C++ documentation.



onsubmit = cdata (CI)
The name of the event to trigger when the form is submitted. The values of all form element children are passed to the event as parameters.

<form> Children

There are four elements that function as children to a <form> element: the <input>, <textarea>, <select> and <dataselect> elements. These have many common attributes which are listed below. Any specific attributes are listed afterwards under their own headings.


name = cdata (CI)
The name of the input element. This is used to look up the element’s value when the form is submitted. For types of radio it is used to group together radio buttons so that only one with the same name can be checked at once.
value = cdata (CN)
For types of text, password and range, this is used as the initial value of the element. For the radio and checkbox types this is used as the value that is submitted if the input is checked. For <option> elements, this is the value that is submitted by the parent <select>, if it is the selected option.
disabled (CI)
If this attribute is set, then the input element is unable to receive focus or be changed by user input.
autofocus (CI)
The first visible control element with this attribute set will receive focus when a document is shown with default arguments. See document visiblity for details.



type = cdata (CI)
The type of the input field. Must be one of:
  • text - A one-line text-entry field.
  • password - Like text, but replaces the entered text with asterisks.
  • radio - A radio button.
  • checkbox - A checkbox.
  • range - A slider bar.
  • button - A button.
  • submit - A button for submitting the form.
Text and Password types
size = number (CN)
For types of text and password, defines the length (in characters) of the element.
maxlength = number (CN)
For types of text and password, defines the maximum length (in characters) that the element will accept.
Radio and Checkbox types
checked (CI)
For types of radio and checkbox, if this attribute is set then the element is “on”.
Range type
min = number (CN)
For the range type, defines the value at the lowest (left or top) end of the slider.
max = number (CN)
For the range type, defines the value at the highest (right or bottom) end of the slider.
step = number (CN)
For the range type, defines the increment that the slider will move by.
orientation = cdata (CI)
For the range type, specifies if it is a vertical or horizontal slider. Values can be horizontal or vertical.



cols = number (CN)
The width of the visible area of the textarea, as a number of columns of text.
rows = number (CN)
The height of the visible area of the textarea, as a number of text rows.
wrap = cdata (CI)
If set nowrap, the textarea will not wrap unbroken lines to a new row.
maxlength = number (CN)
The maximum length (in characters) that the element will accept.


<select> has no additional parameters.



selected = cdata (CI)
If set, then the option is selected when the <select> element is first loaded.

Note: It is possible to use the disabled attribute to make the option not selectable by the user. Useful for labelling groups of options.


A label associates a form input field with a caption. When a user hovers over or clicks a label, it will be forwarded to the targeted element.

A target element can be specified by providing an ID in the for attribute. Otherwise, when omitted, the label will target the first descending element which has one of the following tags: <button>, <input>, <textarea>, <progress>, or <select>.


for = idref (CI)
If set, the label element will target the element with the given ID. Otherwise, the label will target the first descending element of a valid tag (see above).
<label><input type="checkbox" value="pizza"/> Pizza</label>

<div class="left">
	<input type="checkbox" value="pasta" id="pasta"/>
<div class="right">
	<label for="pasta">Pasta</label>