The tiled-horizontal decorator can render three sprites or images, horizontally across an element. One image is placed on the left edge, another on the right edge, and the last is stretched across the middle.

The decorator renders across the padded area of its element.

decorator: tiled-horizontal( 
	<left-image-src> <left-image-orientation>,  
	<center-image-src> <center-image-orientation>,
	<right-image-src> <right-image-orientation>

The <x-orientation> properties can be omitted, which leaves them at their default values.



Value: <string>
Initial: empty
Percentages: N/A

This property defines either a sprite name or a relative path to an image file.


Value: none | flip-horizontal | flip-vertical | rotate-180
Initial: none
Percentages: N/A

Flips or rotates the image.