Most of the Lua types, properties, and functions listed in this reference correspond directly to their C++ API equivalent, users are encouraged to take a look at the C++ Manual for more detailed descriptions.

All instantiable classes define a new() function which returns an object of that particular class. With the exception of this new() function, all members listed will be member functions.

Main Types


Special Elements




Inherits: nil

Constructs a colour with four channels, each from 0 to 255.


Name Type
alpha integer
blue integer
green integer
red integer
rgba integer, integer, integer, integer


Name Return Type
new(integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha) Colourb



Property Descriptions

alpha :: integer
Alpha channel
blue :: integer
Blue channel
green :: integer
Green channel
red :: integer
Red channel

rgba :: integer, integer, integer, integer

Function Descriptions

new(integer red, integer green, integer blue, integer alpha) → Colourb
Construct a new Colourb object


Inherits: nil

Constructs a colour with four floating point channels.


Name Type
alpha number
blue number
green number
red number
rgba number, number, number, number


Name Return Type
new(number red, number green, number blue, number alpha) Colourf



Property Descriptions

alpha :: number
Alpha channel
blue :: number
Blue channel
green :: number
Green channel
red :: number
Red channel

rgba :: number, number, number, number

Function Descriptions

new(number red, number green, number blue, number alpha) → Colourf
Construct a new Colourf object.


Inherits: nil

The Context class has no constructor; it must be instantiated through the CreateContext() function. It has the following functions and properties:


Name Type
dimensions Vector2i
documents ContextDocumentsProxy
focus_element Element
hover_element Element
name string
root_element Element


Name Return Type
AddEventListener(string event, function, string script, Element element_context, boolean in_capture_phase) nil
CreateDocument(string tag) Document
LoadDocument(string document_path) Document
Render() boolean
UnloadAllDocuments() nil
UnloadDocument(Document document) nil
Update() boolean

Property Descriptions

dimensions :: Vector2i
The dimensions of the context, as a Vector2i type.
documents :: ContextDocumentsProxy
Returns an array of the documents within the context. This can be looked up as an array or a dictionary. Read-only.
focus_element :: Element
Returns the leaf of the context’s focus tree. Read-only.
hover_element :: Element
Returns the element under the context’s cursor. Read-only.
name :: string
The name of the context, specified at construction. Read-only.
root_element :: Element
Returns the context’s root element. Read-only.

Function Descriptions

AddEventListener(string event, function, string script, Element element_context, boolean in_capture_phase) → nil
Adds the inline Lua script or a Lua function, script, as an event listener to the context. element_context is an optional Element; if it is not nil, then the script will be executed as if it was bound to that element.
CreateDocument(string tag) → Document
Creates a new document with the tag name of tag.
LoadDocument(string document_path) → Document
Attempts to load a document from the RML file found at document_path. If successful, the document will be returned with a reference count of one.
Render() → boolean
Renders the context.
UnloadAllDocuments() → nil
Closes all documents currently loaded with the context.
UnloadDocument(Document document) → nil
Unloads a specific document within the context.
Update() → boolean
Updates the context.


Inherits: nil

Table of documents with the ability to be iterated over or indexed by an integer or a string.




Inherits: nil

Lua data formatting helper.


Name Type
FormatData function


Name Return Type
new(nil, function format_data) DataFormatter

Property Descriptions

FormatData :: function
Formatting function which returns a string

Function Descriptions

new(nil, function format_data) → DataFormatter
Construct a new DataFormatter object. Optional format_data argument which is a function which returns a string.


Inherits: nil

Abstract DataSource Interface.


Name Return Type
new(string name) DataSource
GetNumRows(DataSource table_name) integer
GetRow(DataSource table_name, lua_type index) string
NotifyRowAdd(string table_name, integer first_row_added, integer num_rows_added) nil
NotifyRowChange(string table_name, nil, integer first_row_changed, nil, integer num_rows_changed) nil
NotifyRowRemove(string table_name, integer first_row_removed, integer num_rows_removed) nil

Function Descriptions

new(string name) → DataSource
Construct a new DataSource object.
GetNumRows(DataSource table_name) → integer
Return the number of rows in the given table
GetRow(DataSource table_name, lua_type index) → string
Return a list of the column values in string form
NotifyRowAdd(string table_name, integer first_row_added, integer num_rows_added) → nil
Notify listeners that rows have been added to the data source.
NotifyRowChange(string table_name, nil, integer first_row_changed, nil, integer num_rows_changed) → nil
Notify listeners that all rows on the data source have changed. Optional arguments first_row_changed for specifying the first row number which changed and num_rows_changed for specifying how many rows changed after the first row.
NotifyRowRemove(string table_name, integer first_row_removed, integer num_rows_removed) → nil
Notify listeners that rows have been removed from the data source.


Inherits: nil

Enum type used as an argument to various functions requiring focus options.


Name Type
None integer
Document integer
Keep integer
Auto integer

Property Descriptions

None :: integer
No focus.
Document :: integer
Document focus.
Keep :: integer
Keep focus.
Auto :: integer
Auto focus.


Inherits: nil

Enum type used as an argument to various functions requiring modal options.


Name Type
None integer
Modal integer
Keep integer

Property Descriptions

None :: integer
No modal.
Modal :: integer
Keep :: integer
Keep modal.


Inherits: Element

Document derives from Element. Document has no constructor; it must be instantiated through a Context object instead, either by loading an external RML file or creating an empty document. It has the following functions and properties:


Name Type
context Context
title string


Name Return Type
Close() nil
CreateElement(string tag_name) ElementPtr
CreateTextNode(string text) ElementPtr
Hide() nil
PullToFront() nil
PushToBack() nil
Show(nil, DocumentModal modal, nil, DocumentFocus focus) nil

Property Descriptions

context :: Context
The context the document belongs to. Read-only.
title :: string
The title of the document, as initially set by the <title> tag in the document’s header.

Function Descriptions

Close() → nil
Hides and closes the document, destroying its contents.
CreateElement(string tag_name) → ElementPtr
Instances an element with a tag of tag_name.
CreateTextNode(string text) → ElementPtr
Instances a text element containing the string text.
Hide() → nil
Hides the document.
PullToFront() → nil
Pulls the document in front of other documents within its context with a similar z-index.
PushToBack() → nil
Pushes the document behind other documents within its context with a similar z-index.
Show(nil, DocumentModal modal, nil, DocumentFocus focus) → nil
Shows the document. Optional enum arguments to specify modal and focus mode. Defaults to DocumentModal.None and DocumentFocus.Auto.


Inherits: nil

The Element class has no constructor; it must be instantiated through a Document object instead. It has the following functions and properties:


Name Type
attributes ElementAttributesProxy
child_nodes ElementChildNodesProxy
class_name string
client_height number
client_left number
client_top number
client_width number
first_child nil, Element
id string
inner_rml string
last_child nil, Element
next_sibling nil, Element
offset_height number
offset_left number
offset_parent Element
offset_top number
offset_width number
owner_document Document
parent_node nil, Element
previous_sibling nil, Element
scroll_height number
scroll_left number
scroll_top number
scroll_width number
style ElementStyleProxy
tag_name string


Name Return Type
AddEventListener(string event, function, string listener, boolean in_capture_phase) nil
AppendChild(ElementPtr element) nil
Blur() nil
Click() nil
DispatchEvent(string event, table parameters) nil
new(string tag) Element
Focus() nil
GetAttribute(string name) Variant
GetElementById(string id) Element
GetElementsByTagName(string tag_name) table
HasAttribute(string name) boolean
HasChildNodes() boolean
InsertBefore(ElementPtr element, Element adjacent_element) nil
IsClassSet(string name) boolean
RemoveAttribute(string name) nil
RemoveChild(Element element) boolean
ReplaceChild(ElementPtr inserted_element, Element replaced_element) boolean
ScrollIntoView(boolean align_with_top) nil
SetAttribute(string name, string value) nil
SetClass(string name, boolean value) nil

Property Descriptions

attributes :: ElementAttributesProxy
The array of attributes on the element. Each element has the read-only properties name and value. Read-only.
child_nodes :: ElementChildNodesProxy
The array of child nodes on the element. Read-only.
class_name :: string
The space-separated list of classes on the element.
client_height :: number
The height of the element’s client area. Read-only.
client_left :: number
The distance between the left border edge and the left client edge of the element. Read-only.
client_top :: number
The distance between the top border edge and the top client edge of the element. Read-only.
client_width :: number
The width of the element’s client area. Read-only.
first_child :: nil, Element
The first child of the element, or nil if the client has no children. Read-only.
id :: string
The ID of the element, or the empty string if the element has no ID.
inner_rml :: string
The element’s RML content.
last_child :: nil, Element
The last child of the element, or nil if the client has no children. Read-only.
next_sibling :: nil, Element
The element’s next sibling, or nil if it is the last sibling. Read-only.
offset_height :: number
The height of the element, excluding margins. Read-only.
offset_left :: number
The distance between the element’s offset parent’s left border edge and this element’s left border edge. Read-only.
offset_parent :: Element
The element’s offset parent. Read only.
offset_top :: number
The distance between the element’s offset parent’s top border edge and this element’s top border edge. Read-only.
offset_width :: number
The width of the element, excluding margins. Read-only.
owner_document :: Document
The document this element is part of. Read-only.
parent_node :: nil, Element
The element this element is directly parented to. Read-only.
previous_sibling :: nil, Element
The element’s previous sibling, or None if it is the first sibling. Read-only.
scroll_height :: number
The height of this element’s content. This will be at least as high as the client height. Read-only.
scroll_left :: number
The offset between the left edge of this element’s client area and the left edge of the content area.
scroll_top :: number
The offset between the top edge of this element’s client area and the top edge of the content area.
scroll_width :: number
The width of this element’s content. This will be at least as wide as the client width. Read-only.
style :: ElementStyleProxy
An object used to access this element’s style information. Individual RCSS properties can be accessed by using the name of the property as a Lua property on the object itself (ie, = “40px”).
tag_name :: string
The tag name used to instance this element. Read-only.

Function Descriptions

AddEventListener(string event, function, string listener, boolean in_capture_phase) → nil
NOTE: Events added from Lua cannot be removed.
AppendChild(ElementPtr element) → nil
Appends element as a child to this element.
Blur() → nil
Removes input focus from this element.
Click() → nil
Fakes a click on this element.
DispatchEvent(string event, table parameters) → nil
Dispatches an event to this element. The event is a string value of the event type, without the ‘on’ prefix. Parameters to the event are given in the dictionary parameters; the dictionary must only contain string keys, and numeric, string or boolean values.
new(string tag) → Element
Construct new Element object.
Focus() → nil
Gives input focus to this element.
GetAttribute(string name) → Variant
Returns the value of the attribute named name. If no such attribute exists, the empty string will be returned.
GetElementById(string id) → Element
Returns the descendant element with an id of id.
GetElementsByTagName(string tag_name) → table
Returns a list of all descendant elements with the tag of tag_name. Returned table is indexable with integers.
HasAttribute(string name) → boolean
Returns true if the element has a value for the attribute named name, false if not.
HasChildNodes() → boolean
Returns true if the element has at least one child node, false if not.
InsertBefore(ElementPtr element, Element adjacent_element) → nil
Inserts the element element as a child of this element, directly before adjacent_element in the list of children.
IsClassSet(string name) → boolean
Returns true if the class name is set on the element, false if not.
RemoveAttribute(string name) → nil
Removes the attribute named name from the element.
RemoveChild(Element element) → boolean
Removes the child element element from this element.
ReplaceChild(ElementPtr inserted_element, Element replaced_element) → boolean
Replaces the child element replaced_element with inserted_element in this element’s list of children. If replaced_element is not a child of this element, inserted_element will be appended onto the list instead.
ScrollIntoView(boolean align_with_top) → nil
Scrolls this element into view if its ancestors have hidden overflow. If align_with_top is true, the element’s top edge will be aligned with the top (or as close as possible to the top) of its ancestors’ viewing windows. If false, its bottom edge will be aligned to the bottom.
SetAttribute(string name, string value) → nil
Sets the value of the attribute named name to value.
SetClass(string name, boolean value) → nil
Sets (if value is true) or clears (if value is false) the class name on the element.


Inherits: nil




Inherits: nil




Inherits: Element

ElementDataGrid derives from Element. The data grid has the following functions and properties:


Name Type
rows table


Name Return Type
AddColumn(string fields, string formatter, number initial_width, string header_rml) nil
SetDataSource(string data_source_name) nil

Property Descriptions

rows :: table
Returns an array containing all the rows in the data grid.

Function Descriptions

AddColumn(string fields, string formatter, number initial_width, string header_rml) → nil
Adds a new column to the data grid. The column will read the columns fields (in CSV format) from the grid’s data source, processing it through the data formatter named formatter. header_rml specifies the RML content of the column’s header.
SetDataSource(string data_source_name) → nil
Sets the name and table of the new data source to be used by the data grid.


Inherits: Element

ElementDataGridRow derives from Element. The data grid row has the following properties:


Name Type
parent_grid ElementDataGrid
parent_relative_index integer
parent_row ElementDataGridRow
row_expanded boolean
table_relative_index integer

Property Descriptions

parent_grid :: ElementDataGrid
The data grid that this row belongs to.
parent_relative_index :: integer
The index of the row, relative to its parent row. So if you are the third row in your parent, then it will be 3.
parent_row :: ElementDataGridRow
The parent row of this row. None if it at the top level.
row_expanded :: boolean
The expanded state of the row, either true or false.
table_relative_index :: integer
The index of the row, relative to the data grid it is in. This takes into account all previous rows and their children.


Inherits: Element

ElementForm derives from Element. The form element has the following function:


Name Return Type
Submit(nil, string name, nil, string submit_value) nil

Function Descriptions

Submit(nil, string name, nil, string submit_value) → nil
Submits the form with name of name and a submit value of submit_value. name and value are optional and are empty by default.


Inherits: Element


Name Type
disabled boolean
name string
value string

Property Descriptions

disabled :: boolean

name :: string

value :: string


Inherits: ElementFormControlSelect

ElementFormControlDataSelect derives from ElementFormControlSelect. It has the following additional function:


Name Return Type
SetDataSource(string data_source_name) nil

Function Descriptions

SetDataSource(string data_source_name) → nil
Sets the name and table of the new data source to be used by the select box.


Inherits: ElementFormControl

ElementFormControlInput derives from IElementFormControl. The control has the following properties, only appropriate on the relevant types:


Name Type
checked boolean
max integer
maxlength integer
min integer
size integer
step integer

Property Descriptions

checked :: boolean
Relevant for radio and checkbox types. The checked status of the input.
max :: integer
Relevant for range types. The value of the control on the bottom / right of the slider.

maxlength :: integer

min :: integer
Relevant for range types. The value of the control on the top / left of the slider.
size :: integer
Relevant for text types. The approximate number of characters the text field shows horizontally at once.
step :: integer
Relevant for range types. The step the control’s value changes in.


Inherits: ElementFormControl

ElementFormControlSelect derives from IElementFormControl. The control has the following functions and properties:


Name Type
options SelectOptionsProxy
selection integer


Name Return Type
Add(string rml, string value, nil, integer before) integer
Remove(integer index) nil
RemoveAll() nil

Property Descriptions

options :: SelectOptionsProxy
The array of options available in the select box. Each entry in the array has the property value, the string value of the option, and element, the root of the element hierarchy that represents the option in the list.
selection :: integer
The index of the currently selected option.

Function Descriptions

Add(string rml, string value, nil, integer before) → integer
Adds a new option to the select box. The new option has the string value of value and is represented by the elements created by the RML string rml. The new option will be inserted by the index specified by before; if this is out of bounds (the default), then the new option will be appended onto the list. The index of the new option will be returned.
Remove(integer index) → nil
Removes an existing option from the selection box.

RemoveAll() → nil


Inherits: ElementFormControl

ElementFormControlTextArea derives from IElementFormControl. The control has the following properties:


Name Type
cols integer
maxlength integer
rows integer
wordwrap boolean

Property Descriptions

cols :: integer
The approximate number of characters the text area shows horizontally at once.

maxlength :: integer

rows :: integer
The number of lines the text area shows at once.

wordwrap :: boolean


Inherits: nil


Name Return Type
new() ElementInstancer
InstanceElement(ElementInstancer ) value

Function Descriptions

new() → ElementInstancer

InstanceElement(ElementInstancer ) → value


Inherits: nil

Represents an owned element. This type is mainly used to modify the DOM tree by passing the object into other elements. For example Element.AppendChild().

A current limitation in the Lua plugin is that Element member properties and functions cannot be used directly on this type.


Inherits: nil




Inherits: Element

ElementTabSet derives from Element. The control has the following functions and properties:


Name Type
active_tab integer
num_tabs integer


Name Return Type
SetPanel(integer index, string rml) nil
SetTab(integer index, string rml) nil

Property Descriptions

active_tab :: integer
Index of the active panel.
num_tabs :: integer
The number of tabs in the tab set. Read-only.

Function Descriptions

SetPanel(integer index, string rml) → nil
Sets the contents of a panel to the RML content rml. If index is out-of-bounds, a new panel will be added at the end.
SetTab(integer index, string rml) → nil
Sets the contents of a tab to the RML content rml. If index is out-of-bounds, a new tab will be added at the end.


Inherits: Element


Name Type
text string

Property Descriptions

text :: string


Inherits: nil

The Event class has no constructor; it is generated internally. It has the following functions and properties:


Name Type
current_element Element
parameters EventParametersProxy
target_element Element
type string


Name Return Type
StopPropagation() nil

Property Descriptions

current_element :: Element
The element the event has propagated to. Read-only.
parameters :: EventParametersProxy
A dictionary like object containing all the parameters in the event.
target_element :: Element
The element the event was originally targeted at. Read-only.
type :: string
The string name of the event. Read-only.

Function Descriptions

StopPropagation() → nil
Stops the propagation of the event through the event cycle, if allowed.


Inherits: nil




Inherits: nil


Name Return Type
print(... output) nil

Function Descriptions

print(... output) → nil
Overrides the Lua print method and redirects it to the RmlUi logging system, which can eg. be accessed through the RmlUi debugger.


Inherits: nil

Log messages through RmlUi.


Name Type
logtype table


Name Return Type
Message(Log.logtype type, string str) nil

Property Descriptions

logtype :: table
Enum table for specifying the type of log.
  • Log.logtype.always
  • Log.logtype.error
  • Log.logtype.warning
  • Log.logtype.debug

Function Descriptions

Message(Log.logtype type, string str) → nil
Log a message with a type.


Inherits: nil

rmlui exposes some general RmlUi functionality globally in Lua. Access with the global table rmlui.


Name Type
contexts RmlUiContextsProxy
key_identifier table
key_modifier table


Name Return Type
CreateContext(string name, Vector2i dimensions) nil
LoadFontFace(string path) boolean
RegisterTag(string tag) nil

Property Descriptions

contexts :: RmlUiContextsProxy
Table of active contexts indexable with integers and context name strings.
key_identifier :: table
Enum containing all input key identifiers.
key_modifier :: table
Enum containing all input key modifiers.

Function Descriptions

CreateContext(string name, Vector2i dimensions) → Context, Context
Create RmlUi context with specified dimensions.
LoadFontFace(string path) → boolean
Load font face at path
RegisterTag(string tag) → nil
Register tag to element instancer.


Inherits: nil




Inherits: nil




Inherits: nil

Constructs a two-dimensional floating-point vector.


Name Type
magnitude number
x number
y number


Name Return Type
DotProduct(Vector2f other) number
Normalise() Vector2f
Rotate(number angle) Vector2f
new(number x, number y) Vector2f



Property Descriptions

magnitude :: number

x :: number

y :: number

Function Descriptions

DotProduct(Vector2f other) → number

Normalise() → Vector2f

Rotate(number angle) → Vector2f

new(number x, number y) → Vector2f


Inherits: nil

Constructs a two-dimensional integral vector.


Name Type
magnitude number
x integer
y integer


Name Return Type
new(integer x, integer y) Vector2i



Property Descriptions

magnitude :: number

x :: integer

y :: integer

Function Descriptions

new(integer x, integer y) → Vector2i