The data model is the interface between the user data, and the views and controllers assigned to the model.

Each Context can store several named data models. In the RML document, the given data model is applied by using the data-model=[model_name] attribute. Then, all its children belong to the given data model, and can reference data variables within it.

The procedure for setting up and handling a data model should be as follows.

  1. Create the data model on the context with a given name.
  2. Register any Scalar, Struct or Array types in the data model constructor.
  3. Bind variables using the data model constructor.
  4. Load the document.

Then, during the update loop:

  1. Submit inputs to the context as normal. Data controllers will update data variables on the client side as necessary, and consequently set the dirty flag on the same variables.
  2. It is now safe to query the data model for dirty data variables if desired, and set dirty state on any data changed on the client side.
  3. Finally, during the call to Context::Update, all data views will be updated with any dirtied data variables.

Usage of the model constructor and model handle are detailed in the following sections.

Model constructor

The function Context::CreateModel returns a data model constructor which can be used to register types and functions, and bind variables.

/// Creates a data model.
/// @param[in] name The name of the data model.
/// @return A constructor for the data model, or empty if it could not be created.
DataModelConstructor Context::CreateDataModel(const String& name);

Registering types

Users should first register types before binding variables, as RmlUi may need the type information to instanciate the data variables. All registered types apply to every data model in the current context.

Built-in types are handled automatically and do not need to be registered, this applies to arithmetic types such as int and float, as well as Rml::String.

template<typename Container>
bool DataModelConstructor::RegisterArray();

Registers Container as an Array. The container must have the size() and begin() member functions defined, the latter which returns an iterator which can be incremented. This is satisfied by several containers such as std::vector and std::array. This register call is all that is needed to set up an Array.

template<typename T>
StructHandle<T> DataModelConstructor::RegisterStruct();

Registers T as a Struct. The function returns an object which can be used to register its members. Member objects, and getter- and setter functions can be registered. See the following example.

struct Vec2 {
	float x, y;
	float GetLength() {
		return std::sqrt(x*x + y*y);
	void SetLength(float new_length) {
		float cur_length = std::sqrt(x*x + y*y);
		x *= new_length / cur_length;
		y *= new_length / cur_length;

if (auto vec2_handle = constructor.RegisterStruct<Vec2>())
	vec2_handle.RegisterMember("x", &Vec2::x);
	vec2_handle.RegisterMember("y", &Vec2::y);
	vec2_handle.RegisterMember("length", &Vec2::GetLength, &Vec2::SetLength);

Member objects and member functions cannot be const-qualified, and their type must first have been registered. Getter functions can return any data type (including Arrays and Structs) by reference or pointer. Getter functions returning by value, and combined getter and setter functions, must return or take a Scalar type.

template<typename T>
bool DataModelConstructor::RegisterScalar(DataTypeGetFunc<T> get_func, DataTypeSetFunc<T> set_func = {});

Registers a new type T to be used like a Scalar variable. It takes a getter and a setter function to convert the type to and from an Rml::Variant, see the following example.

	[](const Rml::Colourb& color, Rml::Variant& variant) {
		variant = "rgba(" + Rml::ToString(color) + ')';
	[](Rml::Colourb& color, const Rml::Variant& variant) {
		Rml::String str = variant.Get<Rml::String>();
		bool success = false;
		if (str.size() > 6 && str.substr(0, 5) == "rgba(")
			success = Rml::TypeConverter<Rml::String, Rml::Colourb>::Convert(str.substr(5), color);
		if (!success)
			Rml::Log::Message(Rml::Log::LT_WARNING, "Invalid color specified: '%s'. Use syntax rgba(R,G,B,A).", str.c_str());

Registering transform functions

Transform functions can be used in data expression by the | operator. A transform function can be registered using the function

void DataModelConstructor::RegisterTransformFunc(const String& name, DataTransformFunc transform_func);

where the transform function is defined as

using DataTransformFunc = std::function<bool(Variant&, const VariantList&)>;

The first argument contains the value of the left hand side of the operator, and should be assigned the new, transformed value. The second argument takes a list of optional arguments passed in by the user in the data expression.

// Register a transform function for formatting time
constructor.RegisterTransformFunc("format_time", [](Rml::Variant& variant, const Rml::VariantList& /*arguments*/) -> bool {
	const double t = variant.Get<double>();
	const int minutes = int(t) / 60;
	const double seconds = t - 60.0 * double(minutes);
	variant = Rml::CreateString(10, "%02d:%05.2f", minutes, seconds);
	return true;

Binding data variables

Data variables strictly apply to the current data model. The data variable is a a wrapper around a raw pointer - or a get/set function pair. The pointed-to type must first have been registered unless it is an arithmetic type (such as int, char, float), or Rml::String.

Bind the data variables using the following functions.

// Bind a data variable.
template<typename T>
bool DataModelConstructor::Bind(const String& name, T* ptr);

Binds a data variable name to the data model. Then name is used when referencing the data variable in data expressions, and for getting and setting the dirty state of variables. Next, ptr is a pointer to the data on the user side. The lifetime of this data must extend the current data model. That means either until after the call to Rml::Shutdown(), until the context is destroyed, or until the data model has been manually removed from the context.

Binding pointers, specifically raw pointers, std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr, is also supported and will automatically be dereferenced as needed. Const-qualified objects however are not supported.

// Bind a get/set function pair.
bool DataModelConstructor::BindFunc(const String& name, DataGetFunc get_func, DataSetFunc set_func = {});

Binds a Scalar data type name, taking a getter and a setter function to retrieve and assign a value to an Rml::Variant. The get/set functions are defined as follows.

using DataGetFunc = std::function<void(Variant&)>;
using DataSetFunc = std::function<void(const Variant&)>;

Binding event callback functions

Event callbacks can be used in the data-event controller to receive and act on events.

bool DataModelConstructor::BindEventCallback(const String& name, DataEventFunc event_func);


using DataEventFunc = std::function<void(DataModelHandle, Event&, const VariantList&)>;

The DataModelHandle is a handle to the data model which generated the event callback. The Event is the event which generated the event callback, and can be used like other events in RmlUi, including reading its properties and stopping propagation. VariantList provides a list of arguments passed in by the user in the data-event assignment expression.

Returning the data model handle

Finally, the data model handle can be returned from the DataModelConstructor by calling

DataModelHandle DataModelConstructor::GetModelHandle() const;

Model handle

The data model handle is used to interact with the data model after setting it up.

void DataModelHandle::DirtyVariable(const String& variable_name);

bool DataModelHandle::IsVariableDirty(const String& variable_name);

DirtyVariable() should be called every time the data is changed on the client side. IsVariableDirty() can be used to check if eg. a controller changed the value of a data variable. All dirty variables are cleared after a call to Context::Update(). Thus, dirty variables should be checked after inputs have been processed but before the context update.

Removing the data model

The data model can be manually closed by calling the following on the owning context.

/// Removes the given data model.
/// This also removes all data views, controllers and bindings contained by the data model.
/// @warning Invalidates all handles and constructors pointing to the data model.
/// @param[in] name The name of the data model.
/// @return True if succesfully removed, false if no data model was found.
bool Context::RemoveDataModel(const String& name);

Otherwise the data model is removed automatically when the context is destroyed.